Key dates of the NH1 project

  • 2019


    • Creation of Normandie Hydroliennes (NH) and transfer of authorisations and project concessions
    • Launch of the TIGER Project
  • 2020- 2022


    • Evaluation of the site
    • Environmental studies
    • Project development and engineering design of technology
  • 2023


    • Completion of the TIGER Project
    • Consent variation application
    • Public stakeholder engagement activities
  • 2025

    from 2025

    • Start of 4 year environmental monitoring programme
  • 2025-2026


    • Construction and installation of onshore equipment
    • Launch of turbine fabrication and assembly in Cherbourg
  • 2026


    • Installation of turbines and subsea hub
    • Laying of cable and grid connection
    • Commissioning of system
    • Start of electricity production